Think Better - Think Systems

We’d grown comfortable with thinking about our lives in mechanistic, systematic ways. Problem, solution, problem, solution. But the thing is: We don’t live in a machine; our world doesn’t operate systematically, as much as we might like it to. - The Radar Futurethon 2023

Complex systems, such as organisations, and urban spaces, differ fundamentally from complicated and simple systems. Changing these systems requires the use of a set of system-based design principles and methods that are compatible with the dynamic characteristics of organisations and communities.



Five design principles help facilitate the Change Lab sessions.

  • System thinking: discovering patterns, cohesion and dynamics in a social system.
  • Participation: co-creating and developing with people rather than about or for them. 
  • Action learning: making change while thinking  and acting at the same time. 
  • Sensemaking: receiving signals and information constantly and finding meaning.
  • Designing: designing ideas and innovations together with users and other stakeholders.



The following methods are applied in the ChangeLabs: easy and practical.

A list of methods used at different stages in the ChangeLabs. All focused on the co-creation process  with participants and stakeholders.